Master Cook Schools of Taekwon-do


Master Paul R Cook VII

Master Cook gained his 7th degree in November 2017 during an International Instructors Course at Montevideo


International Instructor

TAE Black Belt grading examiner and committee member

Master Cook is one of the founder members of TAE - Taekwon-do Association of England, and is an active committee member. He is also on the technical committee and one of the Black Belt Grading examiners for TAE

30+ years training in Martial Arts

Master Cook has trained in Martial Arts for over 30 years, starting in Karate, also Kick Boxing, where he gained his 3rd degree Black Belt, and also ITF Taekwon-do, where he is currently a 7th Degree Black Belt, working towards his 8th Degree.



20+ years Instructor experience

Master Cook has been running his own classes for over 20 years in Boldon, Gateshead and Durham. 


Teaching all ages from young kids to adults and seniors.

ITF Taekwon-do

ITF Taekwon-do originated in Korea and was developed by the founder GM General Choi Hong Hi.


It is a martial art based on self defense, using foot and hand techniques, with the aim of victory with one blow. 


It promotes the 5 tenets of Taekwon-do:

  • Courtesy
  • Integrity
  • Perseverance
  • Self Control
  • Indomitable Spirit

It is a traditional Martial Art, which helps all students to improve their physical and mental health.
